Headcorn Neighbourhood Plan

Headcorn Neighbourhood Plan

HEADCORN MATTERS – A Neighbourhood Plan for Headcorn Parish

Residents of Headcorn have been extensively consulted during the Plan development process, including most recently through the 2023 Regulation 14 Consultation. However, the Regulation 16 Consultation gives residents and other consultees the opportunity to tell the examiner whether they support the Neighbourhood Plan and why, as well as whether they have any concerns about whether the Neighbourhood Plan adheres to the relevant legislative and regulatory requirements. The examiner then uses these responses when considering whether the Neighbourhood Plan should pass examination.

The consultation is due to run between June 24th and August 12th 2024 and details can be found at Headcorn Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation June 2024 – MBC Local Plan (maidstone.gov.uk).

Residents are encouraged to respond to the consultation, as this will help the examiner understand whether the Plan has local support.


Representations must be made in writing (including electronic) to one of the following addresses:


Neighbourhood Plan Documents:

The full Headcorn Neighbourhood Plan documents can be found here:


Frequently asked questions can be found here.